

Mon - Sat
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm

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Dr. Ray Lendvai Naturopathic Physician
888 Sparkling Place
Vernon, BC

September 2010

NDs Granted Prescribing Authority in BC

Naturopathic Physicians in British Columbia who successfully complete an intensive pharmacology upgrade course now have the authority to prescribe. Dr. Lendvai has completed the additional training in July 2010 and is now licenced to prescribe medications. If you are currently taking any medications and require a refill, need to switch a medication or if you would like to have a comprehensive review of the medications you are taking Dr. Lendvai can provide this service for you. Simply call our clinic and make an appointment and Dr. Lendvai will be happy to help you.

January 2011

New Year Cleanse Program

New Year New You

Dr. Lendvai has created an excellent 10 day cleansing program designed to detoxify your body to help you look and feel your best.

Benefits of the Program Include:
Weight Loss
Improved Energy and Sleep
Immune Boost
Better Mood
Prevention of Chronic Disease Like Arthritis, Cancer, Digestive Disorders, Skin Problems and Many Others

If you would like to try this amazing program please call our clinic for an appointment you will be glad you did. 

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